The focus of my prior consulting projects has ranged from semiconductors and biofuels to finance and policing.

Key issues:

  • Identifying and implementing strategic objectives

  • Using quantitative and qualitative data to benchmark progress towards objectives

  • Designing and evaluating partnership strategies, including cross-border alliances, public-private partnerships and cross-sector alliances

  • Navigating simultaneous competition and cooperation between organisations

  • Measuring specific elements of organisational performance (e.g., knowledge creation, innovation)

  • Charting the evolution of market segments and identifying market opportunities

All of my work is rooted in academic literature. I leverage the latest research evidence to distil core challenges, identify solutions, and clearly articulate qualifications and contingencies.

Methodological care and integrity is at the heart of my work. Drawing on ten years of research and econometrics experience, my approach is to be fully transparent about what can and cannot be deduced. I aim to ensure that strategic decisions are built on evidence that is directly relevant to the challenges faced, and grounded in an understanding of data limitations.

I personally lead all aspects of my work, maintaining a hands-on approach to deliver high quality outcomes.

I also deliver executive courses to help senior leaders and middle managers to make strategic decisions. A recent multi-day course at the Clinton Leadership Institute, Queen’s University Belfast, focused on the application of analytical frameworks to implement strategic aims for a major policing organisation.